Monday 9 June 2014

How To Seduce Women With The Go First Principle
How To Seduce Women With The Go First Principle
Seducing girls and making her fall for you is quite an obstacle and an ability that is the fancy of many a guys. It is so simple for a pretty girl to seduce a guy. All she needs to do is look at you a particular way and you're ground beef set to be molded into hamburger patty in her wicked hands. This is not fair! It's time guys release their inner Catrinel Menghia and find out the best ways to seduce girls with the Go First Concept!

The best ways to seduce girls with the Go First Concept

Among the most effective technique on the best ways to seduce girls is the Go First Technique. It is a technique from the hypnosis and psychological fields.

Basically, this concept states that the easiest way to make someone do something is to do it first yourself. Similarly, if you want someone to enter a particular emotional state, you should go into that state yourself and they will automatically follow you.

This technique can be readily observed in our daily lives. We always tend to share other people's emotions, especially if they are close to us. This is the main reason most of us prefer to be in the company of fun, lively, and positive people and stay away from negative or depressed ones. Emotions are contagious and naturally we all only want to experience positive emotions.

We can use the power of the Go First Technique to our advantage, especially when it comes to seducing girls and keeping a relationship fresh and exciting.

First, the conditions before you apply this effective technique

In order to fully utilize the power of the Go First technique, you need to fulfill a condition: your emotions must be stronger than the other person. Because the stronger the emotion is, the more likely it is to subdue or influence all other emotions.

For example, let's say you have a strong emotion of excitement because you have just bought a new car. You meet your best friend and you tell him about your shiny new ride. However, your friend is feeling depressed because his football team just lost the finals.

Nevertheless, because of your strong excitement, he will suddenly feel excited as well and be happy for you. On the other hand, if his emotion is stronger, you may get depressed and forget about your brand new car. In the end, it all comes down to which person has the stronger personality or is able to show stronger emotions.

Control your emotions!

When it comes to seduction, the Go First Concept applies very similarly. Let's say you go on a date with a pretty girl and you are very nervous. A couple of minutes in your company and the girl you are dating might feel nervous and awkward as well due to the Go First Concept.

She doesn't understand why she feels this way but something about you makes her feel uneasy. So she goes to the bathroom and then out the door and out of your awkward little life.

However, you can turn this depressing situation around if you just learn to control your emotions. In order to be able to apply the Go First Technique, you must first learn the best ways to control your emotions.

The key to controlling your emotions is to RELAX! I know, it is extremely difficult relaxing in the presence of a pretty girl. But she is just as nervous as you are and even a little scared because she's in the presence of a total stranger - you! So it's your duty to make her feel relaxed and comfortable.

So how do I make her feel relaxed and comfortable? The Go First Technique in action!

You go on a date with a pretty girl and you are relaxed, calm, and confident. For reasons unknown, she feels calm and relaxed and feels like she's known you for a while. You display body language that is relaxed and laid back. You give her an easy smile, make jokes and tease her. She smiles back, return your jokes and is relaxed and comfortable.

Then you make an emotional connection by leading the conversation to intimate topics. You share personal stories and experiences first and she feels comfortable opening up to you ...

Guide the interaction into one of comfort, relaxation, and intimacy. By confidently Going First, you make it easy and natural for her to follow where you lead her. Choose the kind of emotional interaction you want and move in that direction by applying the Go First Technique!

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