Thursday 4 September 2014

What to Take into Account When You are Out Hunting in the Field in Summer
What to Take into Account When You are Out Hunting in the Field in Summer
Although the options for hunting are more limited during the summer, it is clearly a great time to be outdoors, and vermin control can be done at any time of year. Rabbit hunting can be an interesting challenge for people who are more used to hunting deer, since you need to be able to get so much closer and the summer months are possibly the best season for catching rabbits as they are plentiful then. If you’re going hunting in summer there are several things which you should prepare for.

Sunshine might be welcome most of the time, but when you’re trying to stalk an animal it can be a real nuisance. Of course it’s not sunny all summer long, but when it is you will need to take some extra measures for successful hunting. The sun can get in your eyes, it can cause reflection and glare and then there’s the heat.

A hunting hat with a wide brim is ideal for keeping the sun out of your eyes and your head Attachinga shade for your rifle scope will help to avoid any difficulties with reflection. Getting too hot can be a problem so wear thinner layers and don’t forget to apply sun cream to exposed parts. Take plenty of water to avoid dehydration and if you have a dog with you take extra water and a collapsible bowl.

Insects are a problem during the summer when hunting. You will need something to fend them off, particularly if you are hunting in Scotland, where the dreaded midges abound from May through to the end of September.

The other problem insect is the tick, which can carry the potentially serious Lyme disease. Some parts of the UK have a greater density of tick population than others. Areas particularly prone to ticks include the Highlands of Scotland, the Lake District, the North Yorkshire Moors, Exmoor and the New Forest. When you get back from hunting in an area where there are known to be lots of ticks you should always check yourself to make sure you haven’t been bitten, as you won’t necessarily feel it at the time. If you do finda tick, remove it carefully with tweezers or you can buy tick removers from any good hunting or outdoor shop.

The best ways to avoid getting bitten by insects is to wear clothing which leaves as little skin exposed as possible, and to apply insect repellent. Choose long sleeved tops and wear your trousers tucked into your socks or boots. This is also a sensible precaution in case of adders. A mesh balaclava will also help to keep insects at bay, or wear a thin scarf across part of your face. You may want to invest in a hunting hat that comes complete with a veil attached, or alternatively you could usea Mosquito head net placed under your hunting hat.

Choose an insect repellent which does not contain DEET as this chemical can cause damage to your hunting equipment. Your repellent should be as odourless as possible so that you don’t alert animals to your presence. Alternatively you could try eating garlic as this reportedly deters both midges and ticks.

Your quarry will need to be gutted quickly and stored in a cool bag, as it can spoil quickly in warm weather. The countryside looks different in summer so choose camouflage clothing with a green leafy design which will allow you to blend in as well as possible into the summer background. Opt for boots with an antimicrobial finish which will help to minimise foot odour. Taking a few simple measures such as these will mean you can enjoy your summer hunting to the full.

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