Monday, 28 July 2014

The Male Body Language Of Attraction - How To Arrange Yourself
The Male Body Language Of Attraction - How To Arrange Yourself
You do not need to look like Brad Pitt, have a phd in Shakespearean literature, drive an Range Rover, or be James Bond to be appealing to girls. You just need to have something that is much more crucial than any of those things. Something that is constantly with you and constantly giving off signals that are imperative for an exciting encounter with a girl: The body language of attraction.

With the right body language, when you go into an area, you will communicate the "I'm a guy, I'm alpha, I'm available, and I know exactly what I'm doing" aura to every girl in there. And when you have your target in your sights, you can swiftly and effortlessly transmit: "I want you, you attract me, and I would like to get to know you better.".

Girls detect the subtle signals guys emit.

Yes they do! And what's even more, based upon these faint signals, they'll immediately determine if you're a possible mate or some geek primate. So it's time you learned how best to use this to your advantage. And the best way to take advantage of this is to learn how to use your body. This is something everyone can learn how to do, and can help give you an advantage over dudes who are better looking with bigger biceps and a flashier car!

Your appearance is part of your body language.

Not the appearance you're born with but the way you shape how you look. It is through how you arrange your appearance that you transmit your masculinity to girls. When you see an attractive girl with an average or below average guy, and you ask her why she finds him appealing, she may say something like: "I don't know. It's just something about him that he has ... like an energy or an aura."

Actually, it's nothing of the sort. In part, it's how a guy dresses that communicates certain things to a girl: the type of shirt you wear, the pants you put on, the jackets and ties you put on, your hairstyle, the way you shape your facial hair if you have any, the length of your sideburns, your tan, the whiteness of your teeth-- all these factors contribute to the immediate image people get of you when they first see you. But even more significant than these things is how you move and carry yourself.

How to move like you're an Alpha.

Move with grace when you move. I'm not talking about a sissy ballerina type of grace here, but rather an "arrogant" sort of grace that will amass attention. In fact, arrogant grace can be directly converted into "macho swagger."

Think of the way Diesel, Willis, and Pitt walk, and you'll get an idea of exactly what this is. It's standing straight with shoulders a little bit back and moving with an easy confidence that's sure to get people's attention.

What the heck do I do with my hands?

What you shouldn't do is to keep them in your pockets. When you put your hands in your pockets, it seems like you're hiding something. By the same token, do not cross your arms. Crossed arms make you look guarded and stand-offish.

If you absolutely must put your grimy little paws inside your dirty little pockets, make sure to keep you thumbs outside and hooked on the outside of your pockets.

The thumb signifies power and exhibiting the thumb for all to see is a sign of confidence. NEVER HIDE YOUR THUMBS, especially from pretty girls!

Genital Framing

If you're looking for something to occupy your hands, lock your thumbs in your belt above your pant pockets, with your fingers pointing down to your crotch. If you lean up against a wall or a bar, thrust your hips forward slightly (remember to be subtle!). This is a stance meant to communicate male sexuality.

"Pointing to (framing) your crotch" is what is known as genital framing, as made famous by the legendary James Dean. This is a symbol of male virility and power. How many times have you seen this type of pose on TV or in the movies? Not by the sissy hero, of course, but by the bad boys that girls so often swoon over.

When the bad boys do it, it signals to everyone that: "I'm a threat. I am a dangerous man for a girl to want to be with. I am a guy and I make no apologies for exactly what I want!".

On a smaller scale, this is exactly what you are communicating as well. But in the bigger picture, your goal should be to cultivate an aura of masculinity that will captivate the available girls around you.

How to lounge like a Boss

First and Foremost, do not be afraid to take up space, especially if you are in a crowded area. You should constantly transmit your boss status in how you stand and how you sit. Stand straight up, shoulders back, legs shoulder-length apart, and hold your ground.

Don't let others crowd you. Too often, guys will shrink their personal bubble in crowded areas so as not to touch others. Do not do this. Make physical contact with those around you and take up space. This communicates a type of dominance to others, when they see others giving you the space you want.

When you sit, lounge. Be comfortable. Sling your arm around the back of the chair. Expose your crotch. Lean back. Show you're at home with where you are.

Are you an Alpha or an Extra ?

You can immediately tell who's the alphas and who's the extras. The alphas, through their body language, emit some sort of confident gamma ray that girls will detect and become subconsciously attracted to. This type of "alpha male ray" can be learned and with practice, mastered.

If you want to attract the kind of girls that you know you deserve, you MUST master the body language of attraction. Or you can always be an extra and help the alphas to stand out even more.

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