Sunday, 27 October 2013

Antibiotics for Kennel Cough
Antibiotics for Kennel Cough
Most vets will address your animal conservatively with a cough suppressant and, perhaps, some antibiotics and reserve additional testing and therapy choices for the few animals that do not completely recover in a week or two.

Vets hesitate to hospitalize dogs with uncomplicated kennel cough. First, they typically recover faster at house and second, they have the tendency to spread their infection to the various other hospitalized clients.

If your dog is in distress and your vet has eliminated anything much more serious than kennel cough, the animal might feel better with aerosolized (nebulized) compounds that dilate the lungs (ipratropium, Atrovent, aminophylline, albuterol) or that loosen and crack up mucus. (Mucomyst). Numerous animals feel better after steam therapies to relieve congestion.

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